Pairing CBD with Essential Oils for Maximum Results

Pairing CBD with Essential Oils for Maximum Results

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Pairing CBD with Essential Oils for Maximum Results

It's no secret that CBD has been the new craze sweeping through the wellness scene. And why shouldn't it? CBD is widely known for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, not to mention a wide range of other benefits.

For many people, CBD has become a go-to alternative for pain relief and the treatment of inflammatory conditions like arthritis, migraines, and psoriasis. Users can expect to experience a myriad of benefits such as increased energy levels, less fatigue, enhanced focus, and better overall wellness.

But what about using CBD products with essential oils?  Do they work well together? Let's explore.

Essential Oils and CBD: A Natural Fit

When it comes to essential oils, the number of potential uses is astounding. From using them to clean almost any surface in your home to inhaling their aroma for a relaxing experience, there's no end to their versatility. And why not? It all boils down to their rich antioxidant properties and ability to revitalize, protect, and heal.

This is exactly what makes essential oils a natural companion to CBD. When the two come together, they create an antioxidant powerhouse that can help you achieve even better wellness results. And when it comes to the functionality of your body's endocannabinoid system, every little bit helps! As a potent antioxidant, CBD can keep your system functioning regularly and efficiently.

In turn, this creates a much healthier environment for your essential oils to work their magic. If you pair these two together when you're applying them externally, you can expect an increased rate of absorption compared to using just one product on its own.

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (or CBD) is a naturally occurring compound found in the hemp plant. There are no psychoactive properties inherent to CBD – meaning it cannot get you high as it must contain less than 0.3% THC. Those familiar with the cannabinoid's health benefits are promoting its ability to treat multiple ailments and improve overall well-being.

What are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are concentrated, volatile liquids extracted from plant matter. They have an aromatic and flavorful compound known as terpenes that give plants their particular scent. Essential oils can be made from any part of the plant including the root, stem, leaf, or flower.

One of the most commonly used essential oils is lavender oil, which has been used for centuries to treat various illnesses. It can be found in several different forms online or in health food stores today.

How Do CBD and Essential Oils Work Together?

When using essential oils with CBD, it's recommended you use them topically. When used together over time, CBD with essential oils has been shown to improve stress levels, alleviate pain, boost moods, and even promote overall better sleep patterns. Also, unlike most medications, using both CBD and essential oils together doesn't have to result in negative side effects.

The idea that CBD and essential oils are better together is based on synergy. In short, synergy is what happens when two different compounds work together to achieve a benefit greater than if they worked alone. As an antioxidant-rich in terpenes, essential oils have been shown to increase the bioavailability of CBD oil.

The Benefits of Using CBD with Essential Oils

There are several benefits associated with using CBD and essential oils together, including:

  • Pain relief: When applying CBD oil topically with an essential oil blend, you can experience a greater reduction in pain. This is due to the fact that both products soothe pain and inflammation in different ways.
  • Impressive antioxidant: If you've used CBD oil and essential oils separately, then you're probably familiar with their antioxidant properties on their own. When they are combined, however, the product becomes even more potent and works in a completely different way to promote health and wellness throughout your entire body.
  • Benefits to sleep cycles: Many people use essential oils and CBD oil together with the hope that they will help improve sleep patterns or assist in treating insomnia. While you can certainly apply both products separately, using them together is an easy way to ensure your body is getting the best results.

An added benefit regarding the use of CBD and essential oils together is that you can choose any combination you like that fits your needs and lifestyle. There are several different blends for those looking for more specific results.

If you're searching for a ready-to-go CBD and essential oil blend, this CBD Restore Recovery Lotion is a great option! With three different scents to choose from, you can customize your lotion to better fit your needs.  Need a morning boost? The clementine and Jasmine will awaken your senses. Looking for sleep support? The lavender will have you drifting off in no time. Not to mention the relaxation benefits of CBD that you'll still receive!

Try CBD Restore Recovery Lotion Today!

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