Using Mint to Improve Complex Skin Conditions

Using Mint to Improve Complex Skin Conditions

5 minute read

Using Mint to Improve Complex Skin Conditions

Close-up image of green mint leaf

Mint is a fresh, aromatic herb that has been used for thousands of years to improve a variety of conditions. In fact, mint water was an ancient drink given to people suffering from asthma or indigestion. More recently, mint tea has become popular as a remedy for allergies and can help clear a stuffy nose, reduce inflammation, and promote a feeling of well-being and overall relaxation.

Mint is also used in natural skincare products to treat a variety of conditions. Peppermint oil is one of the most versatile essential oils for improving many complex skin conditions. When added to a carrier oil such as jojoba or sunflower oil, peppermint may help:

  • Decrease inflammation
  • Reduce pain
  • Remove acne and other blemishes
  • Treat cellulite
  • Improve varicose veins and spider veins on the legs
  • Reduce the signs of aging

Mint's History

Mint is one of the oldest herbal remedies known to man. Evidence suggests that mint was used by Egyptians for embalming as far back as 4,000 BC. It has been praised throughout history and was made part of King Henry VIII's diet.

Chemical constituents in the leaves of this herb include oils containing menthol, menthone, and other compounds. When applied topically, these constituents give off a cooling sensation. This cooling property is useful in relieving pain that can occur within the muscles (myalgia), cramps, and spasms, or skin disorders.

Mint has a long history of use as an anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic. The therapeutic effects of mint are attributed to the menthol and menthone content within the leaf. These two active ingredients have antiseptic qualities that can be beneficial in fight infections. Menthol has also been reported to possess anti-inflammatory properties. These two properties are of particular relevance to dermatological treatments.

Using Mint to Improve Texture and Heal Skin

Because of its previously mentioned soothing and healing properties, mint is a common ingredient used in many herbal skin and beauty products. The combination of antioxidants, flavonoids, menthol, and menthone found within mint leaves improve blood supply to areas below the surface of the skin making this herb an excellent choice for combatting a variety of skin disorders.

Including mint in your daily skincare routine is an effective way to achieve the following effects:

  • Treating acne and blemishes: Mint leaves are packed with antioxidants, which can prevent the formation of acne on the skin surface. In addition, menthol works as a potent anti-inflammatory agent that helps to reduce the redness and swelling associated with acne and acne scars.
  • Reducing dry skin: Applying mint stimulates the production of sebum, which helps to keep skin shiny and oily. This effect is particularly helpful for reducing dry skin conditions such as eczema or dandruff.
  • Eliminating cellulite: Mint can help smooth out bumps on the legs leaving a more even appearance. Menthol also works by stimulating blood flow to the targeted area, which widens vessels and improves cell function.
  • Reducing Varicose veins: Mint stimulates blood flow in vein walls making it easier for them to contract when needed. This helps to eliminate unsightly varicose veins that can develop on the legs because of weakened vein walls.
  • Promote health aging: The antioxidants found in mint may help to slow the signs of aging.
  • Improved wound healing: The anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties of mint can inhibit the growth and spread of bacteria that cause infection. This is beneficial for wound healing.
  • Reduce swelling: The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant content of mint makes it useful for reducing swelling.
  • Enhances complexion:  Menthol contracts blood vessels, which improves circulation throughout the body resulting in a healthier complexion. The anti-inflammatory properties of mint can also improve skin tone resulting in a healthy glow on the face.

Adding Mint Into Your Skincare Routine

There are many ways to include mint in your routine. It can be added directly into the tub where it will release its healing properties while you bathe. For those with sensitive skin, using a hydrating lotion infused with mint is a great way to reap the benefits of this herb without irritating your skin.

For even better results, consider a recovery lotion formulated with CBD and mint designed to treat muscle soreness and pain. This topical treatment is easy to apply and can be used at any time of day. 

Canodyne's CBD Restore Recovery Lotion is infused with both CBD and mint, along with other beneficial ingredients needed to accelerate the healing of sore muscles and promote advanced skin recovery. This product contains no THC and will leave your skin feeling soft and smooth—without any greasy residue. 

Mint has been used for thousands of years in both skincare products and herbal medicine, however, it was only recently that people began to realize how powerful this herb really is. By using mint as a natural ingredient in your daily beauty routine can help you achieve healthier skin.

Try CBD Restore Recovery Lotion Today!

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